Wendy perrotti

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The Trick To Change That Sticks

You already know the stats - 80% of resolutions fail. So, we all stopped making resolutions and jumped on the what’s-your-word-of-the-year-wagon.

It’s a good wagon, but it’s got a major limitation…

You can’t just set it and forget it. If you want your word-of-the-year to change your life, you need to use it.

You need to practice it.

You need to employ it as a filter for your behavior and your thoughts.

And you need to do it EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Otherwise, your wagon is going to rust in the back yard until next Christmas when you shine it up and put a new word in it.

Is that harsh?

Buckle up, there’s more.

Telling people what your word is doesn’t count toward using it.

That’s why most people don’t change, and old dogs play the same tricks every year. In order for your word to change your life you have to be intentional about the way you use it.

It’s simple, but it won’t be easy.

Here’s something I know for sure; you absolutely can do it with a little bit of preparation and a little bit of tenacity.


This Year: The Word That Changed Your World

1. If you haven’t already, pick your word or words for the year. Make sure that it (they) answer the questions how do you want to feel and how do you want to show up?

2. Create a talisman. This is something that you’ll wear every day as a reminder of your commitment to feeling and showing up a certain way.

It can be a piece of jewelry, a rubber band, a ribbon, anything as long as you’re willing to routinely put it on each day.

3. Create an anchor. This is something you’ll use to remind you to pay attention to your word/talisman. Ideally, it’s something you do several times each day. Some suggestions are when you get into the car, go to the bathroom, get a drink, walk through a doorway…

4. Use the anchor to create a habit. Each time you encounter your anchor:

  • Stop and take a breath.

  • Say to yourself, "I want to feel and show up as (your-word)."

  • Take another breath and see yourself as that version of you in your mind’s eye.

This whole practice will only take about 10 seconds!

WARNING: One of the most frequent questions I get is "do you mean to literally do that?" My answer is always YES YES YES.

Change occurs when a thought or action is repeated enough times that it creates a neural pathway stronger than the existing one.

And that takes repetition.

Want some accountability?
Send me your word, your anchor and a picture of your talisman and I’ll follow up with you every month. :)